
Spiders are insects which can be seen frequently in our lives. They can be classified two types in terms of living and predation methodsweb-forming spiders and wandering spiders. Web-forming spiders can inject a special liquid digestive enzyme to insects that stick to the web. This digestive enzyme can make insects coma, convulse, and die. After liquefying the body of insect spiders eat them. Wandering spiders do not form webs, but walk around to hunt prey. The most common ones we see are web-forming spiders, most of which are toxic. Compared with ordinary insects, spiders have a long life, usually 8 months to 2 years. Male spiders are short-lived and die soon after mating, they exhaust their lives to reproduce offspring. Spiders live long and can form webs and become natural enemies of many other insects. They can help humans kill flies, mosquitoes and other insects. But spiders themselves can also become a problem for humans. Spiders build webs around buildings to block light and cameras. If people are poisoned by spiders, the skin will be itchy and rot, and the severe case will make people die. Therefore, the spiders and spider webs around our buildings need to be cleaned regularly. There is an interesting thing: the spider web looks slender and fragile, but studies have shown that its hardness is 9 times higher than that of steel of the same thickness, and its elasticity is 2 times higher than the most elastic synthetic material, so you cannot underestimate the spider web.


The spider web can be removed directly with a broom, but if the spiders are not killed, they can form new webs overnight. You can buy pyrethroid sprays from stores to eliminate the spiders.

PCO LAB provides a variety of solutions for cleaning spiders: catching sticker, catching box, spider spray, electronic spider repeller.